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Economic Development & Sector Trends
These publications provide synopses of economic development in the South African economy, including trends pertaining to: gross domestic product and its various components, including fixed investment activity; manufacturing sector and sub-sectoral performance; employment; balance of payments; inflation; interest rates; capital markets; exchange rates; as well as numerous other indicators. The publication also covers selected global economic trends, principally for comparative purposes.
economic research
Economic Overview: Developments in the Global and South African Economies, August 2020
Quarterly Economic Forecast: November 2021
Economic Overview: Developments in the Global and South African Economies, November 2020
Quarterly Economic Forecast: February 2021
Performance of the Primary and Secondary Sectors of the South African Economy: Statistical Overview, January 2021
Performance of the Primary and Secondary Sectors of the South African Economy: Statistical Overview, November 2020
sector trends and research